The Brighton Jetty Sculptures will be running in 2025.
- Dates: Opening Wednesday, 22 January and closing Sunday 2 February.
- Opening Hours: The outdoor sculptures can be viewed at any time. The indoor sculptures will be open from 8am to 8pm each day.
- Artwork can be purchased between 9am and 8pm during the event, from the sales marquee on Bindarra Reserve, corner Esplanade and Bindarra Road, Brighton.
- If a piece is already sold, please contact an event volunteer to understand whether the artist would be able to do a commission.
- Purchased artwork can be collected on Monday 3rd February 2025 from 8am to 1.30pm. Noting collection of large pieces may involve transport assistance from the artist and this will be coordinated during the sales process.
If you are interested in submitting a sculpture for the event, head to "For Artists" on this website for more info on how to enter.
We welcome new volunteers, if you would like to get involved, head to the "volunteers" page on this website to register your interest.